Welcome To SST
SST stand for Sea Safe TRAD Company. You Order and We shipp
Sea Safe Trading for Customs Clearance" is a leading company in the field of customs clearance and logistic services in the Sultanate of Oman. The company provides customs clearance services for importers and exporters, including all customs-related services such as document preparation, permits, insurances, and final clearance. The company holds the GCC Authorized Economic Operator certificate, demonstrating its capability to comply with customs and logistical requirements in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

المشغل الاقتصادي
تم اعتماد الشركة في المشغل الاقتصادي المعتمد لمجلس التعاون الخليحي ، وبعد التوفيق من الله ... بجهود جميع طاقم الشركة من اكبر سنناً إلى اصغر سنناً ،،، فلكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير العميق على الجهود التي بذلتموها في السنوات الماضية والتي كان لها الاثر الايجابي في الحصول على هذه الشهادة ،،،،مما يعطينا مزيد من التقدم والعطاء والبذل والمحافظة على هذا الانجاز.
Entrepreneurship Card
Authorized Economic Operator locally and GCC (Quality).
Member of Oman Logistics Association.
Providing services at all border ports, free zones and logistic stations, 24 hours a day.
One of the best company in 2022 in North AL Batinah from Ministry Of Labor.